Deplorables & Garbage & the day after

The Washington establishment and elitism

Major General (r) Johan W Booysen SOEG

On the 20th of January 2025, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 47th president of the United States of America. The calamitous reign of the most radical and incompetent administration in US history will come to an end. The administration who brought its citizens LGBQT+, WOKENESS, open borders, corruption, the weaponization of the justice system and a flailing economy, will be banished to the ash heap of history.

Despite undertakings to his nation to the contrary, Joe Biden’s pardoning of his son Hunter, ranks upon the most cynical acts by a president before vacating office. Kamala Harris’ lie to the nation that Biden was mentally on top of his game, ranks with one of the most egregious lies as deputy president to her nation, considering she ultimately replaced him because of his mental decline.

The mere thought that a decrepit Biden or a radical Marxist, Harris could’ve been in the White House for four more years, is too ghastly to contemplate.

The 2024 Presidential election in the United States of America was probably the most hyped-up election in history. The two candidates, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, represent a dichotomy of dogmas. In corner Red you have Trump, a successful businessman and in corner Blue, prosecutor, turned career politician, Harris.

Harris became de facto nominee of the Democrats as their presidential candidate, notwithstanding the incumbent president, Joe Biden, having clinched the primary elections as the Democrats’ nominee. It was effectively a coup, devised by Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi. Conversely, Trump won the Republican primaries and became the de jure nominee of the Republican party.

In South Africa the US election also became the topic of heated debate. As with legacy media in America, CNN, MNSBC, ABC, Washington Post and the New York Times, local journalists and opinion formers, with some exceptions, supports Harris. They accuse Trump of being a narcissist, a Hitler and a fascist. If Trump ultimately wins, they claim, it will be the end of democracy in America. Pretty rich, considering that Harris was nominated in a rather undemocratic manner. They portray Harris as a centrist, notwithstanding her radical Marxist views.

Trump may have an inflated ego, but his detractors expediently ignore, that he had been the US president before. At the time then, he certainly never espoused any of the traits, which they ascribe to him now. As president, Trump revitalized the US economy. Unemployment, especially under Hispanics and Blacks, was at an all-time low, he secured the border, the US was energy independent, no wars were started, he established peace in the Middle East, with the Abraham accord, he ensured that Europe pay their fair share with regards to NATO, he called out China for manipulating its currency and for ‘stealing’ American manufacturing jobs, because of China’s cheap labor practices.

Contrast that with Biden and Harris’ chaotic tenure the past four years. Inflation is at an all-time high, crime has increased exponentially, the country has been invaded by millions of illegal migrants, some, terrorists, murderers and rapists. Children are smuggled into the US and exploited by human-traffickers. Drug cartels are flourishing, culminating in hundreds of thousands of US citizens, dying of Fentanyl overdose. The chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, resulting in the death of thirteen US soldiers. Billions of dollars of Iran, that were frozen, were released, effectively funding the horrific attack on Israel by terrorist organization, Hezbollah. Wars erupted in Europe and the Middle East. In addition to her far-left radical leaning, Harris embraces the madness of woke culture where men can compete against woman and are allowed in woman changerooms, young pre-school children are subjected to ‘sex education’ and confused teens in their puberty years, have their genitals mutilated, because they are indoctrinated by sick perverts. Not forgetting the pronoun idiocy.

Hillary Clinton called Trump supporters “a basket of deplorables“, Biden calls them “garbage” and here in South Africa a journalist writing for the Daily Maverick refer to them as “the unevolved ‘boet’, roaming the savannas of Joburg and other cities…” The Harris clan call those opposing their radical ideas, fascists or Hitler. When someone has the temerity to express an opposing view, ad hominem vitriol spew from their mouths. They demean and cancel you. Statues are demolished, police stations are set alight, artwork and books are burned, all under the guise of liberalism, diversity. equity, inclusivity (DEI) and political correctness. If anyone suggest meritocracy or express conservative views, it attracts verbal salvos of being, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and misogyny.

Biden and Harris, weaponized the Department of Justice, the FBI and CIA targeting their political opponent, Trump through lawfare, including raiding his Mar-a-Lago residence, all the while giving Biden a free pass for the same indiscretion of taking classified documents home. One of the judges presiding over one of Trump’s cases, Juan Merchan’s daughter, Loren, is a contributor to the Democrats and actively campaigns for Biden and Harris. He refused to recuse himself, curiously claiming he is not conflicted.

In one trial, Trump is prosecuted for a crime in which there is no victim. In another prosecution of Trump, the Attorney General, Letitia James, campaigned for the job, on the ticket and promise that she ‘will get Trump‘ if she gets elected. Yet, if all this is pointed out to Trump haters, the response is ‘no, nothing there‘. It is reminiscent of Stalin’s ruthless and cruel police chief, Lavrenty Beria, who coined the phrase “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”? It should be no surprise if the convictions of Trump fail to pass muster in the Appeal Courts.

Trump was an anti-establishment candidate in 2016. He was targeted by the Washington establishment before he was even elected. The Clinton foundation funded the so-called Steele dossier, Russian/Trump link investigation. It later turned out to be an egregious lie to discredit Trump. According to the testimony of Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, the FBI actively covered for Hunter Biden, on whose laptop incriminating evidence was found, linking the Biden Family, to payments from China, ironically, claiming it is Russian disinformation. Fifty Intelligence officers signed a letter claiming too, that it was Russian disinformation. It later turned out to be indeed Hunter’s laptop and that it contained damning evidence that at a minimum imputes impropriety, if not corruption by the Biden family. The mainstream media, obsessed with Trump, also expediently dismissed it as Russia disinformation, but enthusiastically carried the water for the Democrats with the Russian collusion hoax.

Peter Strzok from the FBI, informed his girlfriend, Lisa Page, in a WhatsApp message, that they would stop Trump from becoming president. According to a report from the DOJ’s Inspector General’s office, Strzok and other FBI agents lied to judges to obtain authorization in terms of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, to spy on a Trump campaign official, Carter Page. The malfeasance of the FBI, regarding Trump, was exposed in another FBI report, which demonstrate how the FBI targeted Trumps’ national security advisor, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, ultimately forcing him to resign. Strzok was subsequently fired from the FBI.

If Trump wins the election, it will be against all odds and the biggest political comeback in history. Harris received more than a billion dollars in donations for her campaign. Legacy media, Silicone Valley, Big Pharma, the Ivy Legue university professors, and Hollywood elite all support Harris. Most of them are beholden to China, with whom they have lucrative deals. They realize if Trump wins, their nefarious deals with the Chinese will be in jeopardy. The Democrats unsuccessfully impeached him twice, they used lawfare and demeaned him. They imported union workers from Britain to campaign for them, all to no avail. There were two assassination attempts on Trump, courtesy of the dangerous rhetoric of Harris, Biden and Hillary Clinton. So, if Trump wins, it will be the biggest political comeback in modern-day history.

Elon Musk, one of the greatest visionaries of our time, Jordan Peterson, an international renowned psychologist and academic, supports Trump. Democrats such as RFK jr from the iconic Kennedy political family and Tulsi Gabbard including, half of the US citizens and million elsewhere, supports Trump. Are they all deplorables or garbage? Was it Desmond Tutu who said, “Do not raise your voice; improve your argument”?

One of the favorite excuses advanced for the disdain of Trump, is that he questioned the outcome of the previous election and what unfolded on January 6 after the election. The same detractors don’t acknowledge that both Biden and Hillary Clinton claimed Trump was an illegitimate president, after he had won the 2016 election, implying that he did not win the election. Clinton also claimed that George W Bush had stolen the election from Al Gore, during the 2000 election. More recently Democrat Stacey Adams claimed that Brian Kemp had stolen the election from her in the 2018 governor election in Georgia.

While the January 6 debacle by a mob of hillbillies is condemned, calling it an insurrection is self-serving hyperbole. Of the six people who died, two died of natural causes, one of an accidental overdose, two police officers committed suicide afterwards. One Airforce veteran was shot and killed by a police officer. In contrast the Minnesota riots that followed the killing of George Floyd by a policeman, which was openly encouraged and incited by none other than Kamala Harris, saw nineteen people killed and over a billion-dollar damage done to property. Harris who claims to be tough on criminals, even campaigned for funds for bail for criminals that were arrested during the riots.

The point is. The malfeasance by Trump enthusiasts is decried by Harris/Biden supporters, while they conveniently ignore the maleficence by the Harris/Biden camp. The hypocrisy is palpable and so is the arrogance and elitism. A new virus has been identified. PTDS– post Trump derangement syndrome, or is it perhaps pre-Trump derangement syndrome, in anticipation of a Trump victory?

Trump is no angel. He has an inflated ego, and his manner of talk irritates. Yes, he lies, but so do all politicians, including Harris. Two wrongs don’t make one right. However, if one ultimately juxtaposes Trump’s four years in office, with that of the Harris and Biden administration, it is patently obvious during which period the US and the rest of the world was in a better space. The lesser of two evils is equally apparent.

One does not seek a doctor with good bedside manners, but rather a doctor that will make the right diagnosis and administer appropriate treatment, even though the medicine may have an offensive taste.


The article above was published the day before the US election.

The election results sent a shockwave through the Democratic Party establishment. The legacy media’s anchors, especially those on CNN, MNSBC and ABC went into complete meltdown and talk show hosts on the same channels, such as ‘The View’ seem like the proverbial deer in the headlights.

Their condescending and arrogant attitude are precisely what caused their demise. They, the elite from Washington, the out of touch with real life, Hollywood ‘celebrities’ and the Marxist Ivy Legue university professors, who propagate the cultural ‘revolution’ AK ‘wokeism’, in the US, never saw it coming. The proletariat spoke and the haute bourgeoisie are bewildered.

In South Africa, commentators are divided on the issue. Those who dislike Trump, display the same condescending attitude regarding the pro-Trumpers. Many of them are journalists, ex-journalists and academics. They are the ‘wise‘ who know what is better for you. Differ with them and they will retort with patronizing superiority. ”Your racial, homophobic, xenophobic or misogynistic skirt is showing’‘. Or here in South Africa, you “yearn for the Apartheid era” or you are a “right-winger”. Worse still, “you are a white supremacist.” They-and only they, will be the arbitrators of who and what is good and who and what is not. They seemingly did not get the memo. Being a professor, journalist, or an ex-journalist, certainly does not elevate their opinions above others’.

They are eager to point out that Trump lies but then deem it ok to perpetuate an egregious lie, such as Trump is a Hitler or a fascist. Yes, Hitler who caused the death of thirteen million people and who was responsible for the holocaust! The last time anyone checked, when Trump was president, he may have been authoritarian, but having an authoritarian management style, does not ipso facto relate to advocating a one-party state. They are seemingly ok with Biden and Harris’ plagiarism and lies, which are well documented and for destroying the US economy and allowing millions of illegals into the US, not forgetting calling more than half of the US citizens ‘garbage’. They see no wrong with the millions of dollars the Biden family received from the Chinese. No, they say. that is ‘misinformation’. Ja right, just like the Russian hoax and Biden Hunter’s laptop story.

The bigotry and sanctimony of the Trump haters is nauseatingly objectionable.

For now, it is refreshing that common sense prevailed.
